Updating TZ Portfolio+ is one of our regular task at TZ Portfolio. The biggest thing that we always aim at is to assure all of our users can get the best experience with TZ Portfolio+ without running into any unwanted issues. That's why we're trying to introduce every update with new features, as well as fix all known bugs. Today's update is nothing short of that. Version 2.2.4 comes with lots of new features and some fixes.


  • Fix issue with feed data loading (latest blog feed).
  • Fix issue with default style override.
  • Update the latest awesome font v5.8.2 (overrided awesome font with tp prefix).
  • Added option allow user install sample data with new user.
  • Added option "Remember Recent Article" in global config
  • Added intro guide for some views: dashboard, add-ons, styles, install add-on, install style in admin.

Install sample data for new users

​Are you a newbie with TZ Portfolio+? If yes, don't worry! We have prepared sample articles for you after you install the component successfully in the first time. So you can follow these samples and then create new ones by your own. 

Option: Remember Recent Article 

​Remembering a recently visited article is the feature added in previous version of TZ Portfolio+, which is to help visitors turn back exactly where they were before and continue discovering next portfolio items. In this update today, we would like to allow users to turn this option off in global configuration, so that they can decide whether to activate this option or not because for some reasons, you don't prefer it much. 

Quick Intro-Guide

Intro-guide is a step by step introduction of all stuff in TZ Portfolio+ dashboard for a new user after first installation, so that you can have a better understanding about what are in front of your eyes. 

​Here above are some brief information about new features added in version 2.2.4. It's time for you to update this version to get bug fixed and enjoy these goodies. Don't forget to share your comments or thoughts about the release, as well as feedback to us about any issues that you encounter.