Howdy! You've got a good news to make your weekend special.
Honestly, we are well aware of that you're responsible to ensure your projects to run smoothly without any unwanted issues. That's reason why we are trying to put a high focus on improving TZ Portfolio+ day by day.

Today, our team are so pleased to announce that TZ Portfolio+ 2.3.0 is already available. This release is packed with new features and bug-fixes for known issues to enhance usability and your workflow. 

If you prefer to add Bootstrap 4 Library for your Portfolio page, here you go. We have already added Bootstrap Library option in both global configuration and modules including: TZ Portfolio Plus Categories, TZ Portfolio Plus Portfolio, TZ Portfolio Plus Tags, TZ Portfolio Plus Archived Articles, so you can easily configure them.

Bootstrap option in global configuration
Bootstrap option in a module

Let's throw a brief look at the changelog of this release and start to update TZ Portfolio+ on you site!

TZ Portfolio+ 2.3.0 - Changelog: 

  • Fix error js of ajax button or Ajax infinite scroll when disable filter.
  • Fix error display white page of portfolio view on IE 11.
  • Fix error load ajax of portfolio view when search key word from module TZ Portfolio Plus Filter.
  • Fix error overload of edit layout in back-end.
  • Changed style active pro version in back-end.
  • Added delete license in dashboard with activated pro version.
  • Added bootstrap v4.3.1 library (customized - Added parent class "tpp-bootstrap").
  • Added option "Enable Bootstrap Library" in modules: TZ Portfolio Plus Categories, TZ Portfolio Plus Portfolio, TZ Portfolio Plus Tags, TZ Portfolio Plus Archived Articles.

We highly recommend that you're better of keeping your extension up to date at all times. It's best to keep an eye on the update notification on both control panel and TZ Portfolio+ Dashboard to know when a new version is available.
As usual, if you encounter any issues with TZ Portfolio+, feel free to contact us and our team will eagerly help you out. Don't forget to share with us your ideas to improve TZ Portfolio+. We appreciate and always welcome your willing!