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How to configure Vani style

Read Time: 2 mins

I. How to Install:

  1. Go to Administrator -> Components -> TZ Portfolio Plus -> Styles
  2. Click "Upload" toolbar button -> Navigate Vani style -> Click "Install Now" button.
  3. Then a green message appears "Installation of the Style was successful."

II. How to configure Vani style

1. Firstly, Go to Components > TZ Portfolio Plus > Layouts

- Go to Administrator -> Components -> TZ Portfolio Plus -> Layouts (or Click Layouts on sidebar) -> Click vani - default and configure it

- Turn on Layout Builder, and you can remove which layout blocks unnecessary, or change their order (this layout is how a single article is displayed in front-end)

2. Go to Components > TZ Portfolio Plus > Articles:

- Add new articles with your own content, select style vani - default, and configure options on right side

- Go to Style > vani - default > you can assign this layout to categories or articles in tab "Categories assignment", and "Articles assignment"

3. Create Portfolio Menu:

Please go to "Menus/Main Menu/Add new"

Menu type: TZ Portfolio Plus » Portfolio

TZ Portfolio Plus's template style: vani - Default

Configure basic options in tab Basic Options

Please see Live demo Link  to have a better look.

